You spend days and a huge amount on bathroom renovations. And you do this often to give a fresh look to your bathroom and keep it clean. But do you know that you can save both your time and money just by applying a coat of paint in your bathroom? This will not only give a new look to your bathroom but affect your mood and the overall feel of your space. You might be aware of color psychology, meaning every color has some significance, and people act or react accordingly if surrounded by those colors. 

Choosing a bathroom paint color is a bit of a challenging process because not every color looks good in the bathroom. Also, it’s not just about the bathroom wall color but the color of other bathroom accessories. So, if you want to renovate your bathroom with a coat of paint color, you should consider the color of the bathroom elements or choose them accordingly. With a reputable seller, you will find a sink, bathtub, vanity, and others of all colors. 

Factors to consider to find the right bathroom paint color

Lighting- You very well know that color looks different in natural and artificial light. So, lighting is an important factor to consider for choosing the bathroom paint color. The decision will vary depending on if you have a window or not in the bathroom. To confirm the bathroom color based on lighting, bring a paint swatch home. Let the color hold it up to the wall and see how the specific space looks. 


Flooring- Changing bathroom flooring to match your walls is a big thing. So, you should work at the opposite angle, meaning you should choose a wall color complementing your existing floor. You will get many color options for a neutral color tile but the options will be limited for a non-traditional floor. 


Overall color scheme- Other than bathroom flooring, you should consider other features that are difficult to change or switch. We already said that bathroom painting is not just about walls but everything inside the bathroom. You should follow an overall color scheme for deciding on the bathroom color. Make sure the colors don’t clash with other major points of the bathroom. 

 bathroom colors

Some Popular Bathroom Paint Colors


Bright White- This is a perfect choice for small bathrooms because it creates a crisp, clean look and reflects light, making the bathroom feel just a little bigger. You should choose a hue that matches your tile and bath furnishings like cabinets, sinks, and vanities to keep the look cohesive. 

 bright white

Black- The classic color for bathroom painting. Black adds contracts and a lot of drama in the bathroom. You can pair black with white for a graphic look or pair it with any darker hues to create a bold or moody bathroom space. 

 bathroom black

Aqua blue- Whether it’s a modern or traditional bathroom, aqua blue will look great. It’s like ocean hues, creating a spa-like space. The bathroom will be relaxing like a spa for everyone in your family. 

 bathrooom Aqua blue

Bathroom renovation with a coat of paint is a great idea. So, choose the right color and save your money.

To upgrade your bathroom with stunning bathroom vanity, faucets, and other accessories, please contact us at 1-800-413-2701 or visit